
Candid Samples

Free from prejudice or biasness

We offer online data collection and sampling solutions by focusing primary values: people first, deliver impact, trust & respect, quality opinions and accountability to deliver verified and honest profiled sample to our partners survey for accurate and impactful insights to empower their businesses, brand strategies and growth.

Our Values


We at Candid Samples actively creating desirable work environment that considers and fulfills the needs of our most valuable assets: our employees or our panelists. It means they feel comfortable while sharing opinions, concerns and suggestions, feel their voice is heard and respected, see the growth opportunities and feel that they have work life balance.


“Everything we do, we deliver impact” We always concentrate on meaningful and sustainable approaches, attitude and behaviors, our partners and the world around us. We keep our promises and take responsibilities of our actions/results. We believe that when people and ethics go together true transformation happens and visible impact to be created.

and Respect

Trust and respect is one of our foundational values. It gives confidence to our clients, that their image will not get hurt or impacted, thus they feel encouraged and motivated at the workplace and increase productivity.


As we focus our people first and valses their opinions and voice to be heard and respected. We have multiple security, authentication and verification layers to make sure that our respondents’ opinions are real and unique, truthful, reliable and impartial to all our clients worldwide.


“Everything we do, we take the accountability” We offer authentic and honest sample to generate more precise data driven insights for consumers behavior pertaining to products and services across the globe.

Panel Management
Our B2C, B2B and healthcare panelists are engaged from authentic sources to deliver online data collection solutions for our clients in more than 10 countries, swiftly and efficiently. Our panel has been built by following industry standard procedures and we are working tirelessly to provide best quality and authentic responses from our truthful, reliable and impartial panelists to all our clients worldwide.


Panelists Recruitment
We do use multiple methods to recruit our panelists with integrated multiple layers of security and authentication procedures to ensure that real and genuine, who willing to provide honest and candid opinions, views to your surveys. Below are the main procedures to enroll people at Candid Samples:


We execute email campaign through different agencies and affiliates to recruit panelists for our panel.

Social Media Posts

We do recruit panelists through social media campaign. These days our main focus is to acquire 18-24 Years old panelists as this age group has great presence on social media platforms.

Referral Bonus

We run referral bonus campaigns to recruit new panelists through our existing panelists. This is one of the most effective ways to recruit panelists as our panelists are our brand representatives and if people hear the voice from their peers who is our panelists and how much they are satisfied and feel respected while sharing their opinions to all our clients worldwide.

Quality and Security

1. Authentication and Verification:
We make sure that respondents are real and unique at Candid Samples by
    A. Email verification
    B. Profiles details verification via telecommunication
    C. Random physical address verification

2. Attention Checker Question:
We use attention checker questions to identify careless/absurd respondents and block them to enter in the client surveys. This helps us to provide only genuine interested panelists in the surveys.

3. Device and Browser Checks:
We ensure that respondent’s device and browser are not suspicious for any fraud activities.

4. Survey Limits:
Active panelists participation in limited number of surveys and tracked by their unique user id that is generated at the time of registration. Average survey participation rate is 2-3 surveys in 24 hours.

5. Standard Security:
Geo-IP, Unique IP Address, Unique UID, VPN, Geo-language Status and third-party security layers.

6. AI and ML:
Advanced machine learning models are used to identify poor quality respondents at biggening of surveys. It helps us to deliver high standard of quality opinion and prevents from bots, fraudulent and suspicious activities.

7. Data Privacy:
Panelist personal information are protected and confidential as per our terms and conditions followed by country legal guidelines and procedure.

Panel Sections

1. Consumer Segments (B2C):
For consumable products and services to know customers behavior patterns, determined their needs and requirements to meet them at the right time and place. Our community helps you anytime that is managed by the research professionals where targeted panelists ready to share their opinion and preferences in relation to a particular product and service.

2. Business Segment (B2B):
For enterprise services, vendors and clients are important for business growth so engage with them through us any time to get their feedback. Our B2B panel managed by highly qualified research professionals where you can acquire genuine data at multiple level of reporting in the organization from targeted B2B panelists.

3. Healthcare:
To access the insights of medical industry, like; doctors, nurses, patients and caregivers. We have profiles panelists like; Allergies, Arthritis, Kidney conditions, Diabetics, Chronic pain, Men health conditions and Women health conditions etc.

4. Community Recruit:
We also have quality traffic sources that covering people who are ready to be part of any research community in belief that their feedback will help organizations to introduce better product and services.

Profile Categories:
Profiles are the primary ladders to define the sample criteria for your surveys. We have authentic, in-depth and verified profiling of our panelists which helps us to offer a fast efficient inexpensive means of collecting opinions and information from sizable sample volumes. Profiles categories are:

  • Demographics
  • Beverages
  • Healthcare
  • Automotive
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Sports & Games
  • Energy & Utility
  • Finance & Banking
  • Technology
  • Shopping
  • Travel
  • Mobile & Internet

Demographics Profiles Distribution:
Age Ratio
13-17 2%
18-24 20%
25-34 22%
35-44 25%
45-54 16%
55-64 10%
64+ 5%
Gender Ratio
Female 52%
Male 48%

Our Global Presence:
Candid Samples is an emerging sampling solutions company and committed to deliver impact from our verified, honest and genuine profiled panelists opinion related to products, services, businesses, brands and agencies for our clients across the globe to empowering their business strategies and growth. We are currently offering our products and services across the countries as following and continuously working hard on to build our presence of the severed markets.

United States of America, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, India, China, Japan, Germany, France and Italy.

Country Name Country Code Unique Panelists
Australia AU 9350
Canada CA 24500
China CN 54200
France FR 26570
Germany DE 38400
India IN 62600
Italy IT 18730
Japan JP 6120
United Kingdom UK 76260
United States of America US 280420